OstroVit BCAA 2-1-1 (200 g, Lemon)

OstroVit BCAA 2-1-1 (200 g, Lemon)
OstroVit BCAA 2-1-1 is a dietary supplement containing the highest-quality branched chain amino acids BCAA, in the best ratio of 2:1:1. These amino acids include: leucine, isoleucine, valine. They should be delivered to the body because they belong to the so-called exogenous amino acids - amino acids that the human body cannot produce by itself.
- 200 g BCAA in the package
- The product contains 20 servings
- A product from the wonderful TRUE TASTE flavor range!
- Amino acid ratio 2:1:1 (leucine, valine, isoleucine)
BCAA - branched-chain amino acids
BCAA (Branched Chains Amino Acids) are branched chain amino acids: leucine, valine and isoleucine. These compounds have got this name because of the extended side chain in their chemical structure. They belong to the group of exogenous amino acids and are essential in our diet because our body is unable to synthesize them. They are an inseparable element for the synthesis of proteins, and over 30% of our muscles are made up of BCAAs.
It is undoubted that BCAA in our diet is fundamental, not only in terms of health, but also muscle building, regeneration after hard training and fat reduction. The supply of BCAAs should be increased especially in hard training people. As physical activity increases, the need for essential amino acids increases.
Properties of the ingredients contained in OstroVit BCAA 2-1-1:
- They contribute to increasing muscle endurance
- During the use of BCAA, lipolysis is increased, i.e. increased fatty acid oxidation - an ideal supplement to reduce body fat
- BCAA supplementation reduces physical and mental fatigue after training
- Many studies unanimously indicate anti-catabolic activity (to counteract the breakdown of proteins in muscle tissue)
- Using BCAA as a source of energy - you can save us muscle glycogen
- Proven action regulating the work of neurotransmitters.
DIRECTION (1 serving = 1,7 scoop)
Add 10 g (1.7 scoops) in 100-150 ml of water or juice.
On training days, eat one serving a day before or after training. On non-workout days, eat one portion after waking up.
Store in cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose for consumption. Dietary supplement can not be used as a substitute (replacement) of a varied diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommended. Do not eat if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in the product. The product should not be used by children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Keep out of reach of small children.
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