Ironmaxx BCAA+Glutamine Powder (500 g, Orange)

Preț obișnuit €46,99
Preț de vânzare €46,99 Preț obișnuit
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Ironmaxx BCAA+Glutamine Powder (500 g, Orange)

Ironmaxx BCAA+Glutamine Powder (500 g, Orange)

Preț obișnuit €46,99
Preț de vânzare €46,99 Preț obișnuit
Preț unitar
Livrare și retur
De ce ambalajul este într-o limbă străină?
  • BCAAs are essential amino acids that cannot be produced by the body itself
  • Optimal 2:1:1 combination of BCAAs, glutamine powder and vitamin B6
  • Ideal 7000 mg BCAAs and glutamine per serving!
  • Completely sugar-free in 100 ml ready-to-consume drink!
  • Available in many refreshing, fruity flavors
  • Suitable for vegans and vegetarians!

With our IronMaxx® BCAAs + Glutamine Zero, we have managed to bring another innovation to the market that is very popular with recreational and competitive athletes. This BCAA Glutamine Powder is available in a range of exquisite, fruity flavours such as mango, cherry and raspberry. And we are only highlighting a few of the excellent flavours. The powder makes a delicious refreshing drink, whether before, during or after training. BCAAs + Glutamine Zero is also sugar-free in the ready-to-consume drink, making it ideal not only for bulking phases but also for diet phases. Amino acids are the basic building blocks of proteins and are extremely important for the body, as they are involved in many important processes within the body.

Top quality BCAA glutamine powder with many benefits

BCAAs are essential amino acids that cannot be produced by the body itself. They impress with the following benefits:

  • 2:1:1 combination of BCAA glutamine powder and vitamin B6
  • 7000mg BCAAs and glutamine per serving
  • Our BCAAs plus Glutamine Zero is sugar-free in the 100ml ready-to-consume drink
  • Suitable for vegans and vegetarians
  • Fruity flavour

BCAAs plus Glutamine Zero

BCAAs are proteinogenic, essential branched-chain amino acids. These include valine, leucine and isoleucine. These amino acids cannot be produced by the body itself and must be supplied with food. They are therefore essential. The BCAA powder is supplemented with glutamine, which is also a proteinogenic amino acid. The product also contains vitamin B6, which contributes to normal protein metabolism and normal functioning of the nervous system, among other things. It supports the formation of red blood cells and the normal function of the immune system. Vitamin B6 has many other positive effects. We have optimised the ratio of amino acids to glutamine and vitamin B6 in such a way that a perfect supply of all ingredients is guaranteed. Our IronMaxx® BCAAs + Glutamine Zero is therefore an indispensable companion for your fitness journey.

Quality is our top priority

IronMaxx® stands for quality. We are one of the best manufacturers of nutritional supplements in the entire fitness scene. Thanks to the interplay between quality and enjoyment, our products have already received several awards from the DLG. Give us the chance and let us convince you of our BCAA glutamine powder.

DIRECTION (1 serving = 15 g)

Add 15 g powder (approx. 1 heaped tablespoon) and 200 ml cold water to the blender jug and shake vigorously for 20 seconds.
Recommended intake: Take 1 serving per day.


Store in cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children.


Do not exceed the recommended daily intake! Not to be used as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle!

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La Zdravok, ne străduim să oferim cea mai bună calitate la cele mai mici prețuri, lucrând direct cu producătorii și furnizorii. Aceasta înseamnă că ne aprovizionăm de la mai mulți furnizori și, uneori, ambalajul poate să nu fie întotdeauna în limba locală. Cu toate acestea, fiți siguri că toate produsele sunt 100% autentice, de înaltă calitate și pe deplin conforme cu reglementările. Încrederea și satisfacția dumneavoastră sunt prioritățile noastre de top!


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